Frequently Asked Questions

Where do you ship to?

Only within Australia.

Do you ship discreetly?

Your order will be dispatched in a securely sealed plain cardboard envelope or box, sealed with glue for enhanced security rather than tape, and equipped with an easily accessible tear-open strip. Our packages do not bear any mention of our company name.

How long can spores be kept?

We recommend preserving spores for approximately two years to maintain their viability. However, numerous online reports suggest they can remain active even when stored for longer periods.

While some suggest refrigerating spore solutions, we assure you there is no harm in storing them at room temperature, which is our preferred method. It is crucial to shield spores from direct light, such as by placing them in a dark drawer.

Can you refund purchases made with Cryptocurrency?

Certainly! You will receive a refund in AUD, serving as the base currency, equivalent to the total order price. This amount will be converted into Bitcoin or the chosen cryptocurrency for payment, utilising the prevailing conversion rate at the time of the refund.

This approach ensures that the AUD amount you initially paid remains consistent upon reimbursement. Given the cryptocurrency's volatility, we refrain from refunding at the purchase rate to safeguard both parties from significant fluctuations in crypto values, which can experience frequent spikes and declines.

As a result, the received cryptocurrency may differ from the amount paid during the order transaction, but the GBP value equivalent to your order will remain constant.

Are you legit and is it legal to purchase spores in Australia?

Yep! We're too legit to quit.

Our spores are sold for microscopy, they are not to be used for illegal purposes. It is legal in Australia for you to purchase study strains for research, but not to cultivate them.

Please don't ask about illegal mushroom growing/consumption, etc. There are great forums out there for you to read and we won't reply to those questions here. We are required to take that stance so thanks for respecting that.

Where are you based?

Newcastle, in NSW Australia.

Why have you not replied to me?

We only sell our spores for microscopy. At times, it is necessary to be firm with individuals. To clarify, anticipate no reply when discussing any unlawful activities like growing illegal mushroom types, asking for advice, etc - regrettably, we are compelled to adopt this stance.

Please be aware of legalities in your place of residence.

In summary, it's all about embracing a strong set of morels—pun intended!